FAQ Chastity - Comfort, Comparisons, Safety, Hygiene
How does the CB-6000 compare to the other models?The main difference between the CB-6000 and CB-3000 is that the CB-3000 is about 1/2" shorter in the cage, and that the weld seam is on the side. This would tend to make the CB-3000 less resistant to splitting as has been reported on a number of forums.Early models of the CB-6000 had a relatively high incidence of the cage cracking or splitting, but has gotten much better as the product has matured. The manufacturer has replaced them without question whenever reported.The
Curve is wider and longer than both models, though can be less obvious under clothes than the other models.How long does it take to get used to wearing one?It will vary from man to man, of course. Initially it will feel awkward, but after a while once the right fit is found - typically a few hours to a few days - it will come to feel more natural, and you will become less and less aware of it as time goes on. You may even find it to be pleasant to wear most of the time, as it would be a constant reminder of your partner, or at least of your own sexuality.Many men experience painful nocturnal erections during the early days of wear. This does tend to pass with time (1-2 weeks, typically) as the mind retrains itself to not have erections during sleep.What should I do if I experience an erection in my sleep?This is pretty common during the first few weeks of wear. Unconsciously it can be somewhat stimulating, which could provoke an erection that would be uncomfortable, even somewhat painful while locked up. If you wake up in that condition, it's best to remove the device for the reminder of the night, and try it again the next night. Eventually, your mind will be trained not to become aroused during sleep, and you will be able to sleep normally.
How long is it safe to wear a CB?Some men can wear these devices for weeks, even months at a time! But always practice safety and err on the side of caution. If it becomes uncomfortable to wear, remove it for a day or two. If you plan to wear for longer than 10 days, you should consider some means to drain the prostate to keep it healthy. In lieu of ejaculation, there is a process called "milking" which involves massaging the prostate to allow the seminal fluids to drain through the penis - effectively pre-ejaculatory fluids - that if left alone too long could develop bacteria and cause health issues.You may also have some hygiene issues, e.g. odor after a few days of wear. Cleanliness is essential, though can be difficult. Wash with soap and water, flush with a shower as best you can. It would be advisable to remove the device every few days for a thorough cleaning before reapplying.How do I find the right fit?Typically this is done by trial and error. You should first find the the smallest ring that you can fit into, then go up one size. If the ring is too small, the skin of the scrotum will become pinched and irritated usually within a few hours. If it is too loose, it will spin rather freely, which could result in some uncomfortable twisting, at least on some models. As for spacing, as little as 1/8" can make a huge difference. Make it tight initially, but watch your testicles closely for signs of discoloration or coldness. If found, take it off immediately and next try a slightly larger spacer. You must be careful not to use too large of a spacer, otherwise the testicles may pull themselves through, which is about as painful as a groin kick! Ultimately, you will find the right combination of rings and spacers that will allow you to wear the device comfortably for several days at a time, or longer.If you get a hot pinching or burning sensation under your balls, it is typically caused by the skin folding, and can be relived by stretching the skin out to eliminate the fold, using both hands. This might mean that the ring is too small, but not necessarily.Some men have a high/tight ball sac. If this is the case it may take a little longer to get a comfortable exact fit. For the best results the ball sac should hang slightly below the ring and the cage portion. You may find it necessary to wear a 1” leather strap with snaps at the top of the ball sac off and on for a while until it stretches slightly. Most adult stores carry this product. Another option is an item called "the parachute", which could accelereate the stretching to get you to that comfortable fit sooner. You can find the parachute on the "Related Products" tab on this site.Can I stand up to urinate while the device is attached?Technically it is possible, though not advisable. You must have your urator slot lines up EXACTLY right, and your penis must fill the tube to the end. If not, you are likely to spray all over the place. It's best to sit while peeing, for all concerned. Your wife (if you are married) will love you even more for doing so. :-)
How best to be a KeyHolder?It's not an easy question to answer, as there are many approaches to this, depending on the nature of the relationship. However, a good starter reference for this is "Male Chastity - a guide for keyholders" by Lucy Fairbourne, a book available through this website and other outlets.What are the plastic locks for?The plastic locks can be used in place of the normal metal lock if the wearer will ever have to pass through a metal detector. They are individually serialize to keep the wearer from replacing the lock with another one; the keyholder would know that the plastic lock had been replaced. These can also be used for relatively easy removal if the wearer had to remove the device, for example if wearing it had become painful. Once removed, they cannot be reused.We also offer a reusable plastic lock, which will not set off metal detectors, and also does not make clicking or knocking sounds when the lock moves while walking.Is it posible to get a spare key when ordering a CB?All models come with two keys, except for the designer models of the CB-6000 (which come with only one). If desired, comparable locks can be obtained from local hardware stores with multiple keys for only a few dollars.