Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Response to Unbelievable True Story

Hello Trouble,

I’m very sorry to hear of your plight, though I must admit to being somewhat amused. However, believe me when I say I really didn’t intend that in a mean or humiliating way.

I have some bad news, though your wife may be pleased. We are on vacation this week and will not be able to ship anything until next Monday 8/26. Further, we may not be able to produce a key that will work. The locks were always made in batches where all of the keys and locks are the same. If your lock came from the most recent batch (made in March), then we should be able to help you. We would basically have to cannibalize a lock to send you a key, so basically you’d have to order a new lock.

On a positive note, had this happened a month from now, we’d not be able to help at all. Our supplier has fallen off the face of the earth, and within the next few weeks our supply would be depleted, probably forever.

 Let us know what we can do to help!